Couloir & Steep Skiing in Romsdal (Kilian Jornet, David Lindgren & Bjørn Kruse)
Over 120 linjer med varierende vanskelighets, fra grunnleggende rennekjøring til de aller mest krevende nedkjøringene noen gang utført på ski. Et oppslagsverk for brattkjøringsentusiasten for Norges kanskje råeste område for bratt skikjøring.
Kun tilgjengelig på engelsk.
In this book you will find more than 120 routes with different levels of difficulties, from entry level couloir skiing to some of the most demanding lines. All lines are presented with the toponeige grading system, pictures, and other useful information.
Kun tilgjengelig på engelsk.
In this book you will find more than 120 routes with different levels of difficulties, from entry level couloir skiing to some of the most demanding lines. All lines are presented with the toponeige grading system, pictures, and other useful information.
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